As we all know, life can bring us happiness, sadness, challenges and,of course, happiness. Since the start of my business, back in 2009, I have faced every one of these facets of life. One thing I have learned from it all is to never give up.
For the many of you that have been with me from the beginning, you know the challenges I have faced with my husband suffering a severe stroke. Although I questioned how I could continue my business after my husband came home and the 24/7 care I would have to give him, I have done it.....this has all been done with the grace of God. He has given me the strength, the will, the faith and everything I need to continue doing what I love.
For the past 2 weeks, my wonderful dad, has been in the hospital with an abdominal aeurotic aneurysm. It has taken a toll on me, physically,mentally and emotionally. I have not been able to work as I've been at the hospital with him almost every day. But today, our God answered our prayers and my dad was released from the hospital. Again, another small challenge to deal with but God walked beside me through it all.
Here it is almost 2 years later and my business is now taking a bigger step. We are moving into a beautiful shop in Tomball is a shop named "Birds of A Feather Antiques, Vintage and More". This shop is quaint, friendly and has a welcome feel immediately when you walk into the door.
I will continue to custom paint furniture for my clients but will be expanding my line to home decor, jewelery, a paint line and perhaps even vintage clothing.
Please stop by and visit us in Tomball, Tx.....there are several other dealers in this store as well.
Remember, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Never give up and know that God is with you ALWAYS.....
God Bless You,
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
My Life/Work Since April 2011
I can't believe its been 9 months since I have blogged about my business or my life. Last year, specifically on April 5, 2011, my husband suffered a severe stroke. I will remember that day the rest of my life. It was a Tuesday morning and my husband didn't feel well. I made a dr. appt. for him and we were scheduled to be there at 3:00 p.m. At about noon, I noticed his eyes were going back and forth and I knew something was wrong. I decided to take him to the emergency room. When we arrived there, my husband could no longer walk and I had to get a wheelchair to take him in; he was taken into triage; I told the nurse he had experienced a stroke the prior year and also advised her of his other health issues, diabetes and high blood pressure. He was taken to the back and we waited 12 hours before any tests were administered....this was NOT a county hospital; it was a well known hospital and my husband had excellent insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield). Needless to say, my husband had suffered a severe stroke. This entire previous year, since April, 2011 has been a challenge for him. He not only is now confined to a wheelchair and completely paralyzed on the right side, unable to communicate clearly but recently had his right leg amputated due to an infection (he is a diabetic).
Through all of this, I have never given up on him nor my business. I knew that someday I would come back strong and that my followers would be here. In addition, despite everything my husband has gone through, he still has a great sense of humor ~ he tried to put on his prostetic leg himself and said "I don't know if I'm coming or going.
My husband, Jody, |
This 2012 year, I am asking our God to keep my husband well and also thanking him for giving us the strength to get us through all we have been through. Younique727 will continue to refinish furniture as this is a love that will never go away......
Thank you ALL for your continued support and for believing in my return.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Beautiful Antique Carriage
During the Christmas holidays, I was refinishing alot of childrens pieces. Tables and chairs, toy chests, play kitchens, and a very special antique baby carriage. When I first saw this carriage, I immediately knew it wouldn't last very long. With Christmas a couple of weeks away, I thought for sure that a mommy on my facebook page would grab this quickly for her little girl ~!/pages/On-Second-Thought/154275191293282
It was pretty from the very beginning, just needed a little added love to make it gorgeous. Of course, when I brought this home, my little granddaughter, Samantha, wanted it. But I explained to her that someone else would probably get more use out of it than she would. If you all only knew the toys, and craft items this little girl has.....omg. She will probably take after me when she grows up as she loves to paint, is very creative and always looking for things to repurpose. Anyway, so she was o.k. after I told her it was going to be up for sale.
Well, within a couple of hours of posting this pretty carriage, it was claimed. A lovely lady by the name of Melanie, of RENDERING BY MELANIE, bought it. Turns out that she is a photographer ~ how perfect was this? She wasn't sure what color she wanted it refinished but she knew she wanted the carriage.
So, Christmas came and went and Melanie decided on brown ~ so I did some research to see what antique carriages looked like "back in the days". I found some in brown with black wheels ~ that was my question ~ what color do I paint the wheels.
I went and bought the paint color that Melanie picked ~ it was Bison Brown by Behr and I went with the satin finish. So, I took the carriage completely apart, primed it and started the painting ~ after a few coats of this bison brown on the body of the carriage ~ I was in love with it.
So, I am currently using her photo as my profile picture for my name change of YOUNIQUE727 to ON SECOND THOUGHT......might even decide on making it my permanent one....hhmmmmm.
Thanks for stopping by ~ and don't forget to join me my new f/b page......ON SECOND THOUGHT

Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Shabby Chic Inspiration
A few days ago I decided I was going to transform my home into the shabby chic look ~ I've always loved this look and decor; however, my decorating has trended more towards the traditional dark browns, mahogony, elegant type of furniture. Well, since I've just about sold all my traditional home decor, I've got to start shopping and re-decorating....oh, you know I dread that :)
I've read plenty of blogs, magazines and such that I pretty much know what I want now ~ its just pulling it all together now. All my current end tables and coffee table are dark brown ~ but that is an easy fix......I'll repaint all those when I can. I'm buying new lamps, new rugs, well, when I say new, I mean from a thrift store and just fixing them up and making them beautiful ~ I hope......
I find things all the time but unfortunately I have a difficult time keeping them for myself. Now that I'm selling home decor, in addition, to furniture, I want to sell that too ~ I guess I want to share these beautiful items with everyone as I feel I can always find something else ~ am I crazy or what?
The pictures I am posting are from a wonderful blogger named "Miss Mustard Seed" ~ she is the most creative person I've ever known. She can do it all ~ paint, sew, use power tools and is a very nice person too. She has so many ideas in her head I wonder if she ever sleeps.
Well, lucky for me, I have alot of furniture already ~ all I have to do now is sand it down and repaint it to the shabby chic look ~ don't know when I'll have to do it though. I have lots of pieces to finish for my clients ~ they come first. So, I will get my home "shabby chic" as soon as I can. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for more inspiration and hope that my home looks as beautiful as these pictures.
Thanks for stopping by and May God Bless You :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Time to be Shabby Chic
Happy New Year Everyone.......
If you ever talk to your landscaper he will tell you that he too doesn't have to landscape his own yard as he's too busy doing everyone else's yards.......I think this applies to many other occupations also....maybe I'm wrong but I've heard this more than once.
There are so many times that I'm out thrifting and I am pulled towards items that I want for my home BUT they won't match because they are all shabby chic ~ so, starting this month, I will start transforming my home, one room at a time.
I've always felt that the shabby chic look is so warm and inviting ~ don't get me wrong, I love the traditional look as it tends to look very elegant and warm also but I've decided its time to make a change to reflect my passion which is refinishing and painting furniture, shabby chic style.
Like many of you, I have always loved the shabby chic look ~ have had a few pieces here and there but never went completely shabby chic. Well, this year its going to be ALL SHABBY would think with me painting all the time that it would be easy to transform my entire home to shabby chic but it isn't so. My home is very traditional with dark wood; I love it but I really want the shabby chic look now.....
If you ever talk to your landscaper he will tell you that he too doesn't have to landscape his own yard as he's too busy doing everyone else's yards.......I think this applies to many other occupations also....maybe I'm wrong but I've heard this more than once.
There are so many times that I'm out thrifting and I am pulled towards items that I want for my home BUT they won't match because they are all shabby chic ~ so, starting this month, I will start transforming my home, one room at a time.
I've always felt that the shabby chic look is so warm and inviting ~ don't get me wrong, I love the traditional look as it tends to look very elegant and warm also but I've decided its time to make a change to reflect my passion which is refinishing and painting furniture, shabby chic style.
The good thing about all this is it shouldn't take too much time to transform my old furniture (excluding my couch, its leather and probably will just be covered) as my sprayer does wonders......yeaaahhhh. I have things put away now, like shutters, old windows, antique pics. but just haven't put them to use ~ but...give me a few months and I will share my transformations with you.
If you have any suggestions or ideas to help me with this big endeavor, let me know. I also would love to see pictures of your home so I can be inspired.
Thanks for stopping by and May God Bless You :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tis The Season For Kids Stuff AND Knobs
Wow, can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner ~ 11 days to be exact. I've been picking up all sorts of precious little kid items because I know this season is all about the kids. Don't get me wrong, I know the most important reason for the season is Jesus and after Jesus comes our kids ~ what we wouldn't do for them, right? Well, in addition to looking for beautiful pieces lately, I've also been picking up kids pieces ~
I love finding these treasures as its not everyday that you run across these ~ I was so excited when I found this at the auction ~ and when I was able to buy it.....WOW ~ ECSTATIC was how I felt. Besides finding these gorgeous pieces, I love picking up knobs when they are on sale....don't you love them too? Sometimes I buy them just to have them in stock......
Another precious item I recently picked up was this little wooden kitchen sink ~ it didn't look like much but I KNOW it will be beautiful when I'm finished with it ~ can you picture funky, chic, zebra, crystal, pink/white ~ that's where I'm taking this kitchen ~
The other thing I am REALLY excited about is the new color I have recently discovered ~ I don't know what the name of it is
But I think I will be painting THIS desk this particular color and adding THESE knobs ~
Be sure and come back and I will be posting pictures of all the finished items ~
Thanks for stopping by and May God Bless You :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Extraordinary Women in My Life
I promised you that I would write about the women in my life that make it possible for me to create the beautiful pieces of furniture at the same time to maintain a clean home, do laundry, etc. Although it is our tendency as women, to be superwomen, we all need help and support. I am so blessed to have a wonderful group of sisters and mom that help me when I'm being pulled in all directions. The very first one on my list if my beautiful mother ~ she comes over when I'm going crazy because I haven't had a chance to clean the bathrooms, fold and put away clean laundry, dust all my furniture, ~ you get the She is such a pro at this that I don't worry about anything when she's here ~ she knows where everything goes ~ she knows where I keep my cleaning supplies, etc. LOVE MY MOM
I come from a very big family ~ a total of 7 of us. We are 5 girls (including myself) and 2 sisters and I are very, very close. Our entire family is very close knit. I have two sisters in particular that are always willing to help when I need them. My sister Nel, who loves to paint ~ was here this weekend and I had her sand all my pieces. Although she would prefer to paint, I have decided to take that responsibility myself as it is my business and I've learned a lesson regarding this ~ so, enough said on that ~ I DO ALL THE PAINTING.......LOL
Then I have another sister, Terri ~ she has a full time job but doesn't work very far from my home. If I'm running low on paint, I'll call her and ask her to pick up a gallon for me. This keeps me from having to stop working. She is such a joy to be around ~ very funny and happy all the time. She just came by last night and we had a grand time ~ yes, we went to dinner and spent some quality time together.
Then, here is me......these are my typical work days :) I feel so blessed to have my family. My sisters are the best any girl could ask for......
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