Monday, May 24, 2010

Abby ~ The Beautiful Little Side Table

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend ~ it was great weather here in Houston, Tx, a little hot but that's Texas for you.  When you have a little business like yOuNiQuE727, you never know if you're going to be extremely busy or things are going to be slow ~ here lately, its been GREAT.  Could be that the pieces I'm picking up are just gorgeous, huh???

Well, they really AREN'T when I first get them  (see above) ~ but when I add a little sanding and all that comes with refinishing ~ SURPRISE ~ this is exactly what happened with this little table.  I just KNEW that someone would just {HEART} her.  I decided on a pretty pale blue ~ so, the sanding and priming begin ~ then the gorgeous paint ~ oh, it was STUNNING as soon as I put the first paint brush to it ~ yep, this one is a diamond in the rough. Then,  I sent a pic. of it to a customer who was looking for a headboard (we were having this e-mail chat at 11:30 p.m., o.k ~) she fell in love with Abby.  Needless to say, the customer, who is a wonderful and lovely lady named Valarie ~ picked up Abby on Sunday.  I have found a new friend and Abby is blessed to be in a wonderful new home.